How To Renew Your Subscription Server

Firstly, access to the link:

– Click My Account -> Login

– Enter your login information with: Email and Password

– After that press on “Login” button

Secondly, after successful login, click on the menu Billing -> My Invoices

– Before the ending date of your subscription, the system will generate an invoice for server renewal with the status Unpaid

– Then you just need to find the invoice that you want to pay and click on it to renew

–  After clicking, you will go to Invoices detailed page to select the payment method. On this article, we choose

– After choosing payment method, Click on Make Payment button

– Select the coin for payment. On this article, we choose Bitcoin

– After that click on the button Complete Checkout

– On this step, you will transfer the Amount Remaining to Address as below:

Finally, after transferring  Amount Remaining to Address successfully, go to link and select the menu Billing -> My Invoices

, then check your Invoices status to see if it has been turned into Paid status or not

– If the status is Paid, it means you have made payment for renewal successfully. Chainkloud will renew the server subscription for you.

– If the status is Payment Pending, it means you have not completed the payment for renewal. Kindly check your payment status again.